Medley 1.8.0
Released under the Eclipse Public License
A lightweight library of useful, mostly pure functions.
To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[dev.weavejester/medley "1.8.0"]
A small collection of useful, mostly pure functions that might not look out of place in the clojure.core namespace.
Public variables and functions:
- abs
- assoc-some
- boolean?
- collate-by
- dedupe-by
- deep-merge
- deref-reset!
- deref-swap!
- dissoc-in
- distinct-by
- drop-upto
- ex-cause
- ex-message
- filter-keys
- filter-kv
- filter-vals
- find-first
- greatest
- greatest-by
- index-by
- indexed
- insert-nth
- interleave-all
- join
- least
- least-by
- map-entry
- map-keys
- map-kv
- map-kv-keys
- map-kv-vals
- map-vals
- mapply
- partition-after
- partition-before
- partition-between
- queue
- queue?
- random-uuid
- regexp?
- remove-keys
- remove-kv
- remove-nth
- remove-vals
- replace-nth
- take-upto
- update-existing
- update-existing-in
- uuid
- uuid?