
Functions for loading SQL migrations and applying them to a SQL database.


(load-directory path)
Load a collection of Ragtime migrations from a directory.


(load-resources path)
Load a collection of Ragtime migrations from a classpath prefix.


(sql-database datasource)(sql-database datasource options)
Given a datasource and a map of options, return a Migratable database.
The following options are allowed:

:migrations-table - the name of the table to store the applied migrations
                    (defaults to ragtime_migrations). You must include the
                    schema name if your DB supports that and you are not
                    using the default one (ex.: myschema.migrations)

:migrations-table-exists-sql - SQL string to check if migrations table
                               exists. If not supplied, database metadata is
                               used instead, which can be slow for large DBs.


(sql-migration migration-map)
Create a Ragtime migration from a map with a unique :id, and :up and :down
keys that map to ordered collection of SQL strings.